Ottobrunn – Freising, 73 km (19.5.24)

National museum day in Germany, and we managed to visit three totally different ones in combination with quite a good bike tour.

Cycling to Ismaning marked the start. There we got a guided tour of the Seidlmühle, a former water driven sawmill. We learnt a lot, including about different saws and saw-blades, splitting wood vs. sawing it, why saw dust is so combustible, and a lot about the local history.

After lunch in Unterschleißheim we explored the local museum there, which was not as interesting by far. The section on history was quite small for covering about 1300 years, the art section was quite interesting.

Cycling on was surprisingly beautiful, apart from going through the industrial area of Eching. We did see a lot of planes take off, very noisy. But that did not seem to disturb about ten lapwings that we saw in a field.

The Landesausstellung (Bavarian exhibition) was in the Christian museum in Freising and concentrated quite a bit on the establishment of Christianity in Bavaria, using St. Korbinian an Tassilo as showcases. A quick walk through the rest of the museum was also enlightening.

The weather had been great for cycling all day, and we could sit outside in Freising for our Indian evening meal.

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