Spent the last morning with Phil wandering around Augsburg and going to quite an interesting exhibition I had read about: The women of the Elvira photo-studio in Augsburg and Munich (https://kunstsammlungen-museen.augsburg.de/atelier-elvira ).
We finally parted company at the station, Phil taking the train back to Munich. I went on, leaving Augsburg to the West, along a fairly big road, but the bike path was ok. I got into the woods and nature reserve fairly soon, and from then on it was really nice! At first I seemed to be following the via Julia, a bike path following a Roman road, which was very well tarmacked. Then I went on more gravelly tracks, and it went up (and down) a lot more. Beautiful to about Burgau.
I made quite good ground, and a nice landlord gave me some tips regarding camp sites in the area, so I carried on over the river Danube and put my tent up on the opposite side to Günzburg.

No internet here, and I have to use my powerbanks. Need to fill them up with solar energy tomorrow. Climbed over 500m today, just the start of what is coming…

The exhibition was small but really interesting and free. If you are in Augsburg it is worth a short visit
Following you with interest – will try & keep a daily check (granddaughters permitting!) Admire your determination & spirit of adventure 👏