Got off to an early start and therefore had to pack up the tent wet again. Cycled through the school traffic in Lüdinghausen, holidays are definitely over here. Got myself some vitamin juice and a croissant on the way and looked out for a good breakfast spot – I think I found the perfect view:

This is castle Nordkirchen, which I had cycled to with my grandparents when I was quite young. A woman on a mobility scooter, it turned out to be Carla Ross ( who thinks she is famous) approached me and offered to take my picture with my phone, as she is such a good photographer…. Here are the best ones, including my snapshot of her:
The rest of the way was actually quite nice, all well signposted and good paths. Went through the Lippeauen, along the Lippekanal and the harbour into Hamm, where I arrived much earlier than expected.

I used the time to look around a bit and remember things from all the holidays, etc., I used to spend here as a child. Phil arrived by train in the afternoon, David, Helena and Alex not much later by car.
Four weeks of cycling are over now, so roughly a third of my time. I have done over 1800 km and have so far enjoyed every one. I only got rained on one day , so far. Really looking forward to continuing!