Neuenkirchen – Lüdinghausen, 105km (25.8.22)

Somehow I only realised I was in the Münsterland when I was already there – so I changed my plans for the route. Not the shortest, but partially along the 100-Schloesser-Route. Managed to see quite a few of the castles.

Cycling was great on little by-roads and Fahrradstraßen, I hardly noticed the height gain of 560m. It was really hot again, but I suppose I am used to it by now.

There were a lot of farms selling their produce in stalls or proper little shops, some were even giving away fruit.

The campsite I am at in Lüdinghausen is the worst so far. The first I have been to in years, that does not provide toilet paper for example – so at least it was worth my while carrying it all this way.

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