Took the decision to cycle back into Austria on the best route, so I went back through the Weinviertel. Still very pleasant, more vineyards, more autumnal colours, and luckily still sunny, if cool.
Passed a few churches in the distance, quite picturesque.
Interesting vending machines again. High up on the ridge of a vineyard there was a hut, a rest area for cyclists (cars were not allowed on this road), and inside the hut a vending machine with wine and water – it was just a little early in the day for me. Then in the valley a farmer had a vending machine with allsorts, including popcorn (I assume because they grow so much sweetcorn in this area as well), which I had while watching TV after dinner.
I was on rural roads all the time in Austria, hardly any cars and mainly fair road surfaces, a far cry from what I experienced in the Czech Republic.