Orrobrunn – Munich station, Gotteszell – Teisnach – Plattling, 65km (30.6.23)

Had a business trip to our plant in Teisnach in the Bavarian Woods, so I decided to take the train there and take the weekend to cycle back. In practice that meant setting off to cycle to the station at 4:30 in the morning. Just as well I set off early, as I realized about 7 mins into the trip that I had forgotten my company pass. So I went back and cycled faster.

I was surprised at having to share the cycling compartment on the train with up to nine other cyclists so early in the morning. Two sets of three gravel bikers were heading towards Passau to cycle to Vienna along the Danube. As there were construction works along the line I cycled the last 11 km from Gotteszell to Teisnach, already quite hilly, to arrive in time for my meeting at 9:30. Unfortunately it rained.

Excellent exchange at out plant with mainly two female engineers, which finished just before 15:00. I had booked myself a room in Plattling, about 38 km cycling away, to get started on the way home. Until I go to Deggendorf on the Danube it was very hilly again, although downhill to the Danube on gravel tracks. I was pleasantly surprised, that I did not have to get off and push at some of the steep inclines.

In Deggendorf it was sunny and I used the opportunity to have a Deggendorfer Knödel and a strawberry lemonade on their picturesque market place.

My room in Plattling is on the local brewery, so I had a couple of beers, some food, and was actually in bed by 20:00. The cycling was good, but I was so tired from that early start!

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