Reit im Winkl – Ruhpolding, Freilassing, 30km (10.5.24)

We had time for a very leisurely breakfast before the bike shop opened. My bike was fixed and ready to go by lunchtime, I still have no idea how seven cogs were bent. We filled the waiting time by looking around Reit im Winkl some more and buying a jacket each.

The bike route to Ruhpolding is beautiful, mainly offroad snd gravel, and a lot of climbing. It was great to have my gears again.

We had a break at the Chiemgau Arena (biathlon), which is hardly recognisable without snow.

We arrived in Ruhpolding with a bit of time to spare and used the opportunity to have an ice cream and look around a bit.

Due to having lost the morning we could not cycle all of our intended route. We cut our losses and took public transport some of the way. The train trip from Ruhpolding to Traunstein was very relaxed, and we managed to squeeze in to the delayed train to Freilassing. There we cycled to our hotel, where our bikes are parked next to an old coach.

As we had not cycled that much we made use of the fitness room provided.

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